Grupaj de poeme- Amalia Soldat

Amalia Soldat (@amaliasoldat) este studentă la Facultatea de Limbi străine, specializarea engleză-germană, din cadrul Universității Transilvania din Brașov. Scrie de 2 ani și spune că o ajută să scoată la iveală imagini create în creierul său, în viața de zi cu zi, dar și pentru a se descărca emoțional. A trimis Mezomorf un grupaj de poezii cu imagini puternice, foarte vizuale, dar cu o exprimare candidă; un contrast prin care prezintă cu umor absurdul cotidian. Examinează și invită spre a deconstrui și reanaliza aspecte ce par obișnuite și aproape obligatorii pentru fiecare adolescentă, evidențiind efectele resimțite din propria experiență.


Am caramele în buzunar

Ca să-mi plătesc datoriile

Una la chirie

Vreo două la poezie.

Domnul de la tejghea mă privește chiorâș

“N-ai plătit pe două luni

Dă-mi poeziile înapoi.”

Am fugit de-am mâncat pământul.

Moartea autorului nu era pe daily checklist.


Flowers grow under my nails

They crack them open

Just like eggs.

The shells fall and rip my skin

And in pain I sing of happiness

Of lost, of regain and vitality

The cracks of nails give me such vigour.

I’ve been swallowing

Pages, honey and skin.

To be as smart as others

Before, with and after me.

Knowledge is sacrifice

Time and body

Which will never be granted back

After you’ve received the blessing.


“A bowl of hair strands, please

With a side of freshly squeezed tears

From a fulfilled human

The rarest of its species.”

“Would that be all, miss?’’

“Yes. And I’d like to eat that with a spoon.”

The dinner is served.

The dinner has been eaten.

The customer is yet to be consumed.

Job Interview

In this waiting room

I did my contour with a pen

The one from the reception table

Which I have stolen.

In this waiting room

I realised I wasn’t pretty enough

So I put a vase on my head

I am a flower.

In this waiting room

It struck 12 o’clock

My appointment was at eight.


I received a call from the CEO

Dirty Shoes Enterprises

He told me he has never seen such enthusiasm for dirtying shoes.

I live in a hole.


My breakfast was incomplete

I lost my favourite knife for spreading

Eating up the bread and butter

They’ve found their way in

My stomach full of knives

From all the stabbing I’ve received.

Presents from a certain me

Whenever I do a mistake

Such as losing things.


I’m hanging off the ceiling

My intestines glued with amber

Butterflies come out of there

And light through the holes of my body

A baroque grotesque chandelier.

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